Sailor Charon
Soldier of Timelessness

Name: Yuushuuni Sugiko
English Translation: Child In the Melancholy Past
Height: 5 feet, 7 inches
Eyes: deep sea green
Hair: Pink; Think Chibi-Usa or Candy Pink
Birthday: June 29
Age: 16
Blood Type: O
Senshi Name: Sailor Charon - Soldier of Timelessness
Elements: Anti-time(timelessness) and space
Tranformation Item: Henshin Pen
Transformation Phrase: Charon Orbital Power... Make UP!

Platinum Key - A palm-sized silvery Key that locks the Time Gates, but only with Setsuna's permission


Charon Dimension Swap:
With a non-chalant wave of the hand and the words "Charon Dimension Swap", the battle is moved from earth to  another plain of being to prevent permanent damage to the real world.

Remembrance Wave:
She holds her hands over her head, palms faceing outward. (eyes closed, face serious)  then her eyes snap open. The Gates of time flash behind her and a pink mist fills the area. The doors flood open, and a burst of energy flows from the key and the door to the target.; It can either have the effect of the Luna-mind-meld thingy on her allies, or it can cause her enemies to face the harsh reality of themselves, destroying them.

Origin: Boise, Idaho
Favorite Food: Carrots
Least Favorite Food: Cherry Pepsi/ licorice
Favorite School Subject: Art
Least Favorite School Subject: English
Favorite Gemstone: Lapis Lazuli
Future Goals: To become a veteranarian
Strengths: She listens to all side of the story before making a decision
Weaknesses: She hates horses, and is afraid of rabbits
Hobbies: Painting
She has a strong and normal family. She had two older brothers who are VERY protective, and one older sister, who is often rude and spiteful, sort of the black sheep if the family... Sugiko is the yongest and least spoiled fo the four

How this Character became a Sailor Senshi:
She joins up when Sailor Miranda has a vision and awakens her w/ Pluto's help( More details later... like when she entera the story)

What she is like:
Sugiko is very perky and happy. She looks like the girl who has it all together. Her grades are average, she makes friends easily, and she is drop dead gorgeous. Minako has some serious competition, and that causes some friction between the two in class. Sugiko never gets into a fight unless someone is making fun of her artwork, which often happens, since she is an abstract artist for the most part. She is in love with Aidan, her best friend Tskui's sempai, and she tries to hide it from them. This nearly ruins their friendship, however...

This is Charon's theme:  The Fairy Woods of Time
Charon Dimension Swap!